Isabel Meijering is a Doctor of Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine as well as an NLP Life Coach in Austin, TX. She is the owner of Admiring You Wellness. Isabel looks at the whole person in body, mind, soul, and spirit to get patients functioning in their lives the way they have always wanted to, or have not been able to because of either physical or emotional pain and blocks. Her previous educational background is a Biomedical Sciences Bachelor’s degree with a minor in psychology. Isabel realized her deep love for both eastern and western medicine, and went on to pursue both her Masters and Doctorate in Acupuncture and herbal medicine. Her love for working with the mind-body connection started with her introduction to yoga and grew from there. She became a Kundalini Yoga Instructor while studying acupuncture. Isabel also became a certified Tuina practitioner through the American Organization for Bodywork Therapies of Asia (AOBTA) and specializes in cupping therapy through International Cupping Therapy Association (ICTA). This led her to first start practicing with releasing pain and emotions with acupuncture and bodywork. Isabel noticed a deeper need for emotional healing with many clients and went on to become a hypnotherapist and life coach. Through all of the modalities she practices, Isabel is able to help clients be in tune with their bodies, minds, spirits and souls in order to heal. Isabel comes up with a treatment plan for each client based on their individual needs and desires; she knows there is no one size fits all healing plan and navigates each client’s path individually. Isabel lives in Bastrop, TX with her husband, 2 rescue cats, 2 rescue dogs and chickens.

Licenses and Certifications


Doctorate of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine

This encompasses herbal medicine, moxa, acupuncture and theory of Chinese Medicine.

Kundalini Yoga Teacher

Kundalini Yoga encompasses mudra, mantra and meditation to move energy throughout the body and restore balance to the body’s energy centers.


American Organization for Bodywork Therapies of Asia- Certified Tuina bodywork practitioner


Applying functional medicine in clinical practice. The beginning of a deep dive into functional medicine!

ICTA Practitioner

International cupping therapy association certified cupping practitioner.


Have you considered a treatment for your wrinkles and your skin? Try Microneedling! An amazing chemical-free way to work on your skin and re-pattern your fascia.

Life Coach

Highly trained in neurolinguistic programming, quantum time technique and hypnosis